Student-centred Learning in ELT

Student-centred Learning in ELT

Student-Centred Learning in ELT

George M. Jacobs and Willy A. Renandya

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 Many second language teachers are familiar with the term Student Centred Learning (SCL), also known as Learner Centred Teaching, Active Learning, Person Centred Learning and, in preschools and primary schools, as Child Centred Teaching. This chapter begins by looking at some of the meanings and elements of SCL such as student-student interaction, learner autonomy, curricular integration, respect for diversity, thinking skills and alternative assessments. It then traces some of the construct’s roots. Four of the most important roots, i.e., Progressive Education, Humanistic Psychology, Constructivism and Socio-Cultural Theory, are briefly discussed and explicit connections between these roots and SCL elements are highlighted. The largest part of the chapter suggests practical applications of SCL in second language learning so that L2 teachers can try these out and explore further applications appropriate for their own teaching contexts.

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