Stuck in a rut? Tips for improving academic impact
Willy A Renandya – 16 June 2021
If you’ve been teaching for some time but can’t seem to get your tenure or promotion, you probably need to re-look at your academic portfolio and assess your academic impact in the following three areas:
- Teaching. Is my teaching well-received by my students? Have I been involved in designing and writing a new course? Have I been invited to give a workshop for key people in the industry? etc.
- Research. Is my research impactful? Are my publications published in good journals? Are they read and cited by people in the field and used as a required reading by other people?
- Service. Does my service contribute to the well-being of the community that I belong to? Have I served as Head of Department, Programme Leader, Course Coordinator? Have I served as an editor or reviewer of a high profile journal? Have I served as an external examiner of a PhD thesis from other universities?
For each, you can give yourself a rating from 1 to 5 (1 low, 5 high). Once you’ve done this exercise, you will be in a much better position to work on areas that you have not done so well, i.e., those that have low ratings of 1 or 2.
To find out more, here is a Youtube video that provides tips on how you can improve on your teaching, research and service impact.
You will also fine a chapter “Growing our research impact” that I co-authored with Prof Nguyen Thi Thuy Minh useful.
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