Many ELT experts believe that extensive reading (ER) is essential for our students. Students who read regularly enjoy numerous language learning benefits; they become more fluent readers, know more words, develop more sophisticated grammar, become better speakers and writers and develop more positive attitudes towards learning.
Despite the fact many language teachers believe that ER is an excellent way to improve proficiency, they are often reluctant to implement it due mainly to time constraints. They find it time consuming to look for relevant reading materials, check student reading, monitor student progress etc. Furthermore, if a school doesn’t already have a large number of graded readers in their library, it is very expensive to establish one.
Fortunately, we now have XReading, a virtual library which can solve many of the problems teachers have with traditional libraries. XReading is a digital platform with more than 1,000 graded readers from major publishers such as Macmillan, CUP, and National Geographic Learning. Students can read any books anywhere and anytime. Additionally almost all books have audio narrations and quizzes.

More importantly, teachers have a full control of the digital library. They can easily monitor each and every student and check their reading progress. A school’s physical library can be integrated into Xreading too.
Doing research on ER becomes easier too with XReading as the system provides lots of useful data for analysis, e.g., time spent on books, number of books, number of words read, reading speed, book ratings etc that can be easily downloaded to Excel.

To find more about XReading and pricing: Alternatively, you can contact me by email ( for more information about how your institutions can subscribe to X-Reading.
Living in a society with information explosion, we are exposed to various and sufficient knowledge. More often than not, many people including me become a file saver, not a file user. Sometimes, I have plenty of extensive reading, but I have a low efficiency to digest them.