The Primacy of Extensive Reading and Listening

The Primacy of Extensive Reading and Listening

Renandya, W.A. (2020, Oct). The primacy of extensive reading and listening: Theory, research and practice. Keynote speech delivered at the 2020 CATESOL Virtual Conference, 8-11 Oct 2020.

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One Reply to “The Primacy of Extensive Reading and Listening”

  1. Hello Dr. Renandya,

    Your presentation at CATESOL today was excellent. I have been teaching ESL writing for 25 years–at community colleges (credit and noncredit), at UCLA (working with Donna Brinton, in the erstwhile program there that used to be part of Applied Linguistics); in “adult education”‘ in South America; and various other contexts.

    After all those years of constantly striving to find effective ways of teaching writing to learners of English, I have pretty much arrived at the same model you outlined in today’s presentation! (Including the same concept of genre.)

    Sometimes I think I’m the only one who sees the teaching of writing to English learners this way, and I’m very happy to see that I’m not alone. I look forward to reading your work!

    Eric Miller
    San Diego Community College District

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