Language Teaching Today: Where Technology Meets Pedagogy

2 Replies to “Language Teaching Today: Where Technology Meets Pedagogy”

  1. Hi again, Pak Willy,

    Pardon some ‘typos’ in my previous comment 🙂 Once again, thank you for sharing your thoughts with us in the TEFLIN-UNNES conference on June 19th, 2021.
    By the way, for your free gifts you gave us at the end of your presentation, this is even more ‘exciting’…Can’s wait to receive it…May I request the one entitled “DEMOTIVATION in L2 Classrooms”?

    Thank you so much for your generosity ,

    May God bless your and family,

    Siane Indriani

  2. Hi, Pak Willy,

    Thank you for sharing with us in the TEFLIN_UNNES conference with us, especially since you’ve confirmed that teachers won’t ever be replaced by technology. We as educators need to upgrade ourselves and utilize technology to enhance the learning process more interactively. Therefore, we need to make the most use of technology by preparing the ‘super super super’ exciting and ‘magical’ materials for our students.
    Thank you also for willing to share your published books wait us…can’t wait to read them and get more inspired by your thoughts.

    Siane Indriani

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